Huawei is privately held, so has no obligation to disclose its finances. 华为是私人控股公司,没有披露财务状况的义务。
Some shareholders and analysts argued that he and the company had an obligation to publicly disclose the nature of his condition. 一些股东和分析师表示,乔布斯和苹果都有义务公开披露他的健康状况。
Buyers have no legal obligation to disclose personal financial information. 购买者没有公开个人经济情况的法律义务。
Is there an obligation to disclose or identify intellectual property? 有义务揭露或确认智慧财产吗?
A Study on the Legal Problem of the Obligation to Disclose in the Insurance Law 保险法告知义务法律问题探析
Patent law can impose on applicants the obligation to disclose sources of used biological materials and evidences of PIC in patent application. 修订后的专利法可以要求生物材料的利用者在申请专利时,揭示实施发明方案所必需的生物材料的来源,并提交已获生物材料所有人事先知情同意的证据。
Only information with "materiality" has the issuer an obligation to disclose publicly and only information to be used or disclosed with "materiality" do the issuer bears legal responsibility of insider trading. 只有信息具有重大性,发行人才有义务予以公开披露,也只有所利用或泄露的信息具有重大性,发行人才承担内幕交易的法律责任。
This paper mainly focuses on information on procurement opportunities and results of procurement competition, i.e. information that the procuring entity or its agent has the obligation to disclose in the process of government procurement such as tender documentation. 政府采购信息内涵十分宽泛,本文重点关注于采购过程中所涉及的采购机会和采购结果类信息,即采购人或采购代理机构有义务公开的招投标等信息。
Specifically, to add information disclosure system of the genetic resources and traditional knowledge patent application, to propose the use of strong-disclosure model, and to take the obligation to disclose information as the condition of the obtainment of patent and the validity of the obtained patent. 具体做法是,在专利法中增加有关遗传资源、传统知识专利申请的信息披露制度,而且建议采用强式披露模式,将信息披露义务作为确定专利能否取得或者取得的专利是否有效的条件。